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Friday, October 19, 2012

Seeking Help for you pain with an osteopath?

Sometimes the idea of seeking professional help throws up a lot of questions.

  • Is it really bad enough?
  • Will consulting somebody mean I will be told that I will have to give up my sport?
  • Might it make me worse?
These are just some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for which there are answers!

The longer a condition remains untreated, the greater the difficulty you may find in describing accurately what the problem really is. This can be very frustrating.

Over a period of time, pain causes you to protect the parts of your body that hurt. This causes stiffness to develop gradually due to a change of muscle usage around the centre of pain.

As time goes by the stiffness may cause additional pain as well as spreading to other parts of your body causing new pains in areas that were apparently without problems.

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