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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

GP attitudes to osteopathy? 2012

Being in practice since 1988 and lecturing to many audiences on Sports biomechanics and other topics– for Osteopaths, Nurses and GPs here have been challenges, but something to be learned from them.

A new lecture for GPs......

“Osteopathy – to be taken once a week for six weeks –Mix medicines with care”

With the view that GPs often use osteopaths as a “pill” offering a single modality of treatment – Manipulation for Low back pain which the BEAM trial was based on– or GPs that simply don’t engage with or have the time to learn about the range of diagnostic and individualised treatment and patient management that “Osteopathy” encompasses.

As you are aware commissioning services such as Osteopathy is a hot potato across the NHS – with most Osteopaths operating privately. A number of Hospital Trusts have embraced Osteopathy whilst others remain totally rejecting of this unique modality of hands on patient care. Patients however, are consistently satisfied with Osteopathic care received across the UK.

·         Would it be interesting to your readers to explore the prejudices and hopefully positive views surrounding Osteopathy?
·         Is it possible to shift or open any GP minds on how they see Osteopathy in 45 minutes or start some new dialogue?
·         Where do the key issues lie? Is Evidence base the real worry?


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