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Tuesday, October 23, 2012


What to expect from your first visit

  • During your Initial Consultation, we’ll look at how your symptoms started and what makes them fluctuate.

  • We will then take your medical history and examine you to assess your posture and structure – at this stage you will be asked to remove your shirt / top so we are able to see your posture – often we need to see your lower and upper body to assess your function more completely, so wearing underwear you are comfortable with, is best.

  • We'll also look at aspects of your lifestyle - especially if you have a long history of problems or an injury - to help us gauge the right treatment and advice.

  • We can then make a diagnosis and will explain your treatment plan so you'll know how many treatment sessions you will need and what to expect afterwards.

  • With Sports Injuries, we look at what treatment will help your injury to heal, explain what you can do to speed up recovery and let you know when you can safely return to your sport – we may provide some individualized remedial exercises

Your first Treatment and Beyond

·         Treatment may be in the form of joint
manipulation, deep massage for muscles or
stretching as well as other techniques to suit
your needs.

·         You can usually expect a follow up session within
three to seven days after the initial consultation –

·         A number of sessions in between depending
on your needs may be suggested. 

·         A final appointment check-up two to four weeks later.

We will assess how you are improving at the start of each consultation - you should notice a progressive difference at each visit – symptoms should reduce and your mobility improve.  We aim to provide advice and individual exercises to reduce the chance of your problem recurring during the treatment sessions.

We will ask you whether you have noticed improvement in your lifestyle, work comfort, or improved sports performance etc.  -  These can be useful measures of progress.

We'll also ask you to complete an aftercare questionaire on-line.

Once you're feeling good we want you to stay that way, so, with your agreement, we'll send you a check-up invitation from time to time.

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