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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Your Biomechanical Assessment

Your “Muscle chains” will be explained!

·         Open & closing chains
·         Muscle firing & actuation
·         Re-training & re balancing

Who is the Total-Body Check for?

·         Sports people who want to enhance their performance and reduce injury.
·         Active retirees to help them get the most out of life.
·         Tri-athletes, who need all-round flexibility and balance.
·         Golfers to enhance accuracy and range of swing.
·         Anyone who wants to detect problems before they become painful or has shifting symptoms that are hard to link together.

Our Management plan - your future

·         Detect any training areas that you need to work on.
·         Increase your flexibility, strength, balance and power.
·         Enhance the quality of your warm ups &warm downs.
·         Help you to make the most of Rest Days.
·         Helping you plan better for your exercise goals.
·         Monitor your progress.

Our Specified Squat Test Assessment

Balance & Co-ordination
Squatting when done with controlled parameters can inform how your strength & flexibility flow.

·         From the upper body to the lower body.                                            
·         The lower limbs upwards into the lower body, torso & arms.
·         Blocks in this flow can be hard to spot.

Video You

·         Using your own telephone-in-built camera we provide a video to show your   asymmetries & imbalances whilst performing your squat examination.
·         You can view this later to see what corrections you need to make.
·         It is useful to see yourself as we see you during the examination.
·         You will become more conscious and make correction & modifications to your remedial exercises.

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