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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Your first appointment and onward at BODYBACKUP Osteopathy

What to expect from your first visit
to Body Back-Up Osteopathy & Sports Injury Clinics

  • During your Initial Consultation, we’ll look at how your symptoms started and what makes them fluctuate - completing a Case History form.

  • We will then take your medical history and examine you to assess your posture, structure and function – At this stage you will be asked to remove some items of outer clothing so we are able to observe your Spinal Mobility – We may need to see your lower and upper body to assess your function more completely, so wearing underwear you are comfortable with is best – (shorts are an option).  We offer a blanket or towel on request too.

  • We conduct a ‘Standing’ examination to assess your spinal and muscular function and you will be asked to bend in different directions as far as you are ‘able’ to comfortably – or perform a Dynamic Squat test. - This will help inform us of off areas that we might treat.

  • We'll also look at aspects of your lifestyle - especially if you have a long history of problems or an injury - to help us gauge the right treatment and advice.

  • We can then make a diagnosis and will explain your treatment plan so you'll know how many treatment sessions you will need and what to expect afterwards.

Our Treatment Management Plan

  • Treatment may be in the form of Joint
Manipulation, Deep Massage for muscles,
Stretching and Joint Mobilisation as well
as other techniques to suit your needs.

  • You can usually expect a Follow-Up session 
within three to seven days after the initial
consultation –

  • A number of sessions in between depending
on your needs may be suggested.

  • A final appointment check-up two to four weeks later.

  • With Sports Injuries, we look at what treatment will help your injury to heal, explain what you can do to speed up recovery and let you know when you can safely return to your sport – we may provide some individualized remedial exercises.  

For more detailed information on how we manage sports injuries
Click LINK Sporting care at Body Back-up

‘Follow-Up’ Appointments

  • We will assess how you are improving at the start of each consultation - you should notice a progressive difference at each visit – symptoms should reduce and your mobility improve – we will ask you to ‘score’ the change to help gauge progress.

  • We aim to provide advice and individual exercises to reduce the chance of your problem recurring and these will be reviewed regularly to see if you are reaching your goals or need the exercises modified to make them more effective.

  • We will also ask you whether you have noticed improvement in your lifestyle, work comfort, or improved sports performance etc.  -  These are useful measures of your progress.

Once your set of appointments is completed, we'll also ask you to fill out an aftercare questionnaire on-line to help us improve what we do.

Body Back-Up checkup – Your Future Management

Once you're feeling good we want you to stay that way, so, with your agreement, we'll send you a check-up invitation from time to time by post or email or text message to your mobile phone.

Possible After Effects of Treatment

Any side effects of treatment will be explained – you may feel soreness, - or tender, normally develops a superficial bruise (if you bruise easily).  This will all clear in 24 hours or so, and is quite normal.  Some patients also feel tired after treatment. If you have any concerns – please contact us.

Patients choice? Osteopathy for NHS patients in Berkshire?

Dear Doctor

Many thousands of people across Berkshire visit Osteopaths and are frequently delighted with the results that Osteopathic care has given them.

Body Back-Up Osteopathy & Sports Injury Clinics was established in Maidenhead since 1988 by Robin Lansman.  Over the years we have treated people on referral from GP’s as well as on recommendation through “word of mouth”.

We had contracts with two large NHS GP practices, who referred patients for treatment and covered the cost of their treatment.  Many people were able to access Osteopathic care for the first time.

Over the last few years the pressure of “Patient choice” on expanding NHS services has become apparent.  Though after much correspondence through Theresa May, MP and Home Secretary and exchanges of letters with Berkshire NHS Chief Executive Berkshire NHS has decided to veto any possibility of including Osteopathic care for the foreseeable future.

The decision seems to have been made using “narrow view” and “out of date” research that provides a poorly informed perspective in ‘modern’ musculo-skeletal medicine – claiming the only reason for excluding Osteopathy is that there is insufficient evidence for the efficiency of Spinal manipulation.  Other research, which is much more favourable, has been overlooked.

We feel this is a huge travesty.  Patients really value their Osteopathic care – which has far broader and wider reaching benefits than Berkshire NHS have explored to date.

Affordability of Osteopathic care is also an issue, as well as patients suffering from musculo-skeletal conditions being given the chance to try Osteopathy.

We would like a campaign to try and persuade Berkshire NHS to review their policy and include NHS Osteopathy provision across the area – or at least some local GP surgeries to offer NHS Osteopathy services.

We are ready to help!

Robin Lansman

Robin Lansman D.O.
Osteopathic Principal
Body Back-Up Osteopathy & Sports Injury Clinics
Council Member – British Osteopathic Association