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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Nurses and Back pain - a bad mix! Osteopathy for Nurses?

Nurses 'need more advice over back pain'

NHS workers need to be given more advice about what to do when suffering back pain, according to a report.
The Royal College of Physicians’ national clinical audit of back pain management found nurses and other healthcare workers suffering such problems needed clearer information.
The audit of more than 5,000 cases comes at a time when two-fifths of NHS sickness absence are related to back pain and other musculoskeletal problems. Previous research by Unison found that every year 3,600 nurses have to retire because of back problems.
Researchers found that since the previous study was conducted four years ago there had been an improvement in the care given to NHS staff suffering back pain.
The report called for nurses and other workers to be reminded that returning to work as soon as possible could help stave off long-term problems.
Dr Julia Smedley, lead consultant on the audit, said: “There has been a revolution in the way we manage back pain and there is now good evidence to show that what you do in the early stages is very important - in most cases, the sooner you get moving and doing your ordinary activities, the sooner you will get back to normal.
“I would urge any NHS employee who is suffering from a back problem to seek advice from their occupational healthservice.”
The audit of NHS members of staff, over half of whom were nurses, also revealed that:
  • 59% had taken time off sick due to their back pain
  • 87% of the consultations encouraged patients, where appropriate, to stay at work despite residual pain
  • 95% of the consultations resulted, where appropriate, in practical advice to managers about the adjustments they could make so that their staff could remain in or return to work

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Yoga for better sleep? Try this....

Yoga For Better Sleep

Saturday 19th January 2013 3:30pm-5:30pm
At Special Yoga Centre - Kensal Rise

Lack of sleep can have many adverse effects on your mind and body.
It can reduce your ability to deal with stress, compromise your concentration and reduce the quality of your life. It can leave you tired, ungrounded and physically and mentally tense.

In this workshop you will learn simple techniques that are meant to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and promote relaxation and a sense of letting go.

The workshop consists of restorative poses, relaxation techniques, grounding and core focused practices as well as body awareness and mood regulating practises.

When your mind-body complex is given sufficient amount of time and quality of attention, your muscles during sleep are less likely to remain tense and the stress hormones are less likely to remain high.

Investment for the workshop: £20 in advance or £25 on the day

Booking in advance is recommended as there is a limit of 10 students per workshop.

To book please call The Special Yoga Centre on 020 8968 1900 or follow the link below to sign up.

If you have any questions or worries please do not hesitate to contact me. :)

If you woud like to be notified of future events please send me an email to:

Rest Well Sleep Well.
Namaste.   Elka

Friday, January 04, 2013

Pilates for back pains? Help or Hinder ?

In Osteopathic practice I see people who have increased their pain or stiffness as a result of doing their Pilates too often or for too long. Many people are naturally 
asymmetrical in the way they work or play their sports and as a result they need to consider this before adding exercise like pilates to the mix. 
Additionally the back postural muscles need to be in balance with the frontal muscles of the chest and shoulders and front of the hips and pelvis. 
So often the emphasis is on the so called "weak core" and strength is the greater goal than flexibility. 
Without adequate flexibility and full function of the muscle over it's full length the muscle power is always reduced. Tension on the central part of the muscle causes 
shortening and reduced blood flow and as a result the muscle is functionally weakened!
Spinal joint function should also be checked by a well trained professional - or all the exercise is fighting resistance - leading to possible injury and dysfunction.

Exercise and depression. Are they a good mix?

BodyBackUp Osteopathy W9199 days 
In Osteopathy practice we ask what motivated someone to consult us. Often pain and stiffness is the answer. However, another reason is worry about their problem and the fact that they cannot work or do the activities they enjoy most. The sports injury case is often amplified by fear that they cannot perform or compete or even enjoy the social aspects of team sports. If treatment has failed them over an extended period or more importantly the have no diagnosis or treatment plan they feel let down and even depressed. Many of life's stresses they have pushed away or managed with exercise begin to play on the individuals mind and can create greater depression and lack of motivation. 
In Osteopathy practice we ask what motivated someone to consult us. Often pain and stiffness is the answer. However, another reason is worry about their problem and the fact that they cannot work or do the activities they enjoy most. The sports injury case is often amplified by fear that they cannot perform or compete or even enjoy the social aspects of team sports. If treatment has failed them over an extended period or more importantly the have no diagnosis or treatment plan they feel let down and even depressed. Many of life's stresses they have pushed away or managed with exercise begin to play on the individuals mind and can create greater depression and lack of motivation. 
It is not that their injury is always due to damage but is a functional problem that needs insight and understanding and perhaps hands on treatment such as osteopathy . A plan of action with goals and outcome measures. At least then sports men or women who are professional or amateur can feel they have some way forwards. Depression is clearly a complex issue and very individual and requires individual care rather than generic case management. and depression ? A good mix?Robin Lansman Osteopath Lansman Osteopath
In Osteopathy practice we ask what motivated someone to consult us. Often pain and stiffness is the answer. However, another reason is worry about their problem and the fact that they cannot work or do the activities they enjoy most. The sports injury case is often amplified by fear that they cannot perform or compete or even enjoy the social aspects of team sports. If treatment has failed them over an extended period or more importantly the have no diagnosis or treatment plan they feel let down and even depressed. Many of life's stresses they have pushed away or managed with exercise begin to play on the individuals mind and can create greater depression and lack of motivation. 
It is not that their injury is always due to damage but is a functional problem that needs insight and understanding and perhaps hands on treatment such as osteopathy . A plan of action with goals and outcome measures. At least then sports men or women who are professional or amateur can feel they have some way forwards. Depression is clearly a complex issue and very individual and requires individual care rather than generic case management.
Robin Lansman Osteopath

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Claiming osteopathy fees on health insurance - terms and conditions

  • Policy Excess
    Do you or your company need to pay the first part of the treatment fees?
  • Claims Limit
    Have you already used all your allowances for treatment for a similar problem during the financial year of your insurance policy?
  • Your Health Insurance may stipulate that you have a ‘set’ number of Appointments over a time interval – and then your case is reviewed.
  • Health Insurance normally state that treatment must be for Acute Care rather than on-going maintenance treatment.  Check your policy wording.
  • GP Referral
    Does your policy require you to have a Referral letter to a “named” Osteopath to enable the claim to be settled?
  • Claim Forms
    Do you need to complete a Claim Form and have it signed by your GP - or can the Osteopath treating you sign it?
  • Claim Numbers
    You will need your Membership Number. If you are in Company Scheme you will also need your Group number - this is the number allocated to your company, you will then have your own membership number. You may also need an Authorisation code from the Health Insurance Company.
  • Further Help
    If you need help with any of these details, please contact your Health Insurance Helpline number. You may have someone in your company - perhaps in Human Resources - who can also direct you. If you are still confused or not sure what to do, we are here to provide help and advise if you encounter any problems.

GP attitudes to osteopathy? 2012

Being in practice since 1988 and lecturing to many audiences on Sports biomechanics and other topics– for Osteopaths, Nurses and GPs here have been challenges, but something to be learned from them.

A new lecture for GPs......

“Osteopathy – to be taken once a week for six weeks –Mix medicines with care”

With the view that GPs often use osteopaths as a “pill” offering a single modality of treatment – Manipulation for Low back pain which the BEAM trial was based on– or GPs that simply don’t engage with or have the time to learn about the range of diagnostic and individualised treatment and patient management that “Osteopathy” encompasses.

As you are aware commissioning services such as Osteopathy is a hot potato across the NHS – with most Osteopaths operating privately. A number of Hospital Trusts have embraced Osteopathy whilst others remain totally rejecting of this unique modality of hands on patient care. Patients however, are consistently satisfied with Osteopathic care received across the UK.

·         Would it be interesting to your readers to explore the prejudices and hopefully positive views surrounding Osteopathy?
·         Is it possible to shift or open any GP minds on how they see Osteopathy in 45 minutes or start some new dialogue?
·         Where do the key issues lie? Is Evidence base the real worry?