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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Your Biomechanical Assessment

Your “Muscle chains” will be explained!

·         Open & closing chains
·         Muscle firing & actuation
·         Re-training & re balancing

Who is the Total-Body Check for?

·         Sports people who want to enhance their performance and reduce injury.
·         Active retirees to help them get the most out of life.
·         Tri-athletes, who need all-round flexibility and balance.
·         Golfers to enhance accuracy and range of swing.
·         Anyone who wants to detect problems before they become painful or has shifting symptoms that are hard to link together.

Our Management plan - your future

·         Detect any training areas that you need to work on.
·         Increase your flexibility, strength, balance and power.
·         Enhance the quality of your warm ups &warm downs.
·         Help you to make the most of Rest Days.
·         Helping you plan better for your exercise goals.
·         Monitor your progress.

Our Specified Squat Test Assessment

Balance & Co-ordination
Squatting when done with controlled parameters can inform how your strength & flexibility flow.

·         From the upper body to the lower body.                                            
·         The lower limbs upwards into the lower body, torso & arms.
·         Blocks in this flow can be hard to spot.

Video You

·         Using your own telephone-in-built camera we provide a video to show your   asymmetries & imbalances whilst performing your squat examination.
·         You can view this later to see what corrections you need to make.
·         It is useful to see yourself as we see you during the examination.
·         You will become more conscious and make correction & modifications to your remedial exercises.


What to expect from your first visit

  • During your Initial Consultation, we’ll look at how your symptoms started and what makes them fluctuate.

  • We will then take your medical history and examine you to assess your posture and structure – at this stage you will be asked to remove your shirt / top so we are able to see your posture – often we need to see your lower and upper body to assess your function more completely, so wearing underwear you are comfortable with, is best.

  • We'll also look at aspects of your lifestyle - especially if you have a long history of problems or an injury - to help us gauge the right treatment and advice.

  • We can then make a diagnosis and will explain your treatment plan so you'll know how many treatment sessions you will need and what to expect afterwards.

  • With Sports Injuries, we look at what treatment will help your injury to heal, explain what you can do to speed up recovery and let you know when you can safely return to your sport – we may provide some individualized remedial exercises

Your first Treatment and Beyond

·         Treatment may be in the form of joint
manipulation, deep massage for muscles or
stretching as well as other techniques to suit
your needs.

·         You can usually expect a follow up session within
three to seven days after the initial consultation –

·         A number of sessions in between depending
on your needs may be suggested. 

·         A final appointment check-up two to four weeks later.

We will assess how you are improving at the start of each consultation - you should notice a progressive difference at each visit – symptoms should reduce and your mobility improve.  We aim to provide advice and individual exercises to reduce the chance of your problem recurring during the treatment sessions.

We will ask you whether you have noticed improvement in your lifestyle, work comfort, or improved sports performance etc.  -  These can be useful measures of progress.

We'll also ask you to complete an aftercare questionaire on-line.

Once you're feeling good we want you to stay that way, so, with your agreement, we'll send you a check-up invitation from time to time.

Will I have to stop work or playing sport whilst having treatment?

Will I have to stop work or playing sport whilst having treatment?
Many joint and muscular problems can be caused by sport and working practices. At Body Back-Up we understand that many people want to continue their lives as normal, whilst not wanting to allow their injury to interrupt their daily activities.
When you first consult us we will take account of your feelings in connection with your individual demands on your body. We will try and design a treatment to work with your body and your own personal demands.
There may be times when it is impossible to progress your condition without some rest or modification to your normal activities. We will try to keep this time to a minimum, and make the time out as productive as possible.
When it is imperative that you continue work or sport we will support you during this period with extra treatment to keep you functioning in the circumstances.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Predisposition to muscular and Joint Stiffness

Older people may notice the spread of stiffness more quickly than younger or more active individuals.
However people who adopt very sedentary jobs or spend many hours driving can also suffer a greater symptom spread than people with more active jobs.
Stiffness, together with the disability it brings, can make you feel older than you are.
Often pain can be put down to wear and tear when it may actually be more closely related to the build-up of deep muscular or joint stiffness

Osteopathy after joint replacement

Joint replacement : what about after your surgery?

Once surgery has occurred there will be a time of rehabilitation.  Depending on the progress of healing and checking outcome of the operation by follow-up X-rays full stability should be restored.  However, quite often the patients that we see in practice, there is a considerable limitation in mobility and sometimes pain persists even though the swelling of the joint is no longer the issue.

Because of the extended period that people have suffered before they decide to elect to have surgery, the sudden change of the “new joint” can cause the body to react and produce an extended period of increased stiffness and dysfunction.

We would expect to see patients on 3-4 occasions once healing has occurred (six weeks after surgery) and then on a weekly basis with exercises and self-help advice for between sessions.

Pre-surgery cases we would aim to see on 2 or 3 occasions in the initial stage and then once every 4-8 weeks to help alleviate symptoms and some dysfunction.

Your Treatment Options – Hands On Care

We aim to introduce Functional Active Release treatment to muscles that act over and around the joint.  We would address how well Ankle and Hip function are integrating. And in the case of the Hip joint replacement we would be addressing Low Back function as well as Knee function.  Reducing the tension on the replaced joint and improving function globally would be the overall goal.

Pre Operative Care

Before or after Hip, Knee joint replacement surgery

The decision to have joint replacement surgery is always a difficult one.  It normally is balanced between how much pain and disability an individual can stand, how it affects their quality of life, such as their ability to work, play sports or even enjoy gardening.

Before your Surgery

Many people may find that conservative treatments can help alleviate some of their symptoms and disability and help them to a point they are able to make the best decision for them with their Surgeon as to when the joint replacement timing is best for them.

In the early stages of Osteo-Arthritis in pre-60 year olds may be that it is not advisable to offer joint replacement surgery and more useful to assist patients with conservative treatment such as Osteopathic care.

Increased disability and stiffness can accelerate in the deterioration of the joint itself.  Not being able to exercise has adverse effects on general health such as digestion and circulation.  Keeping mobile is key, and this is where Osteopathic advice and exercises might be most appropriate.

Predisposition/Joint Stiffness

Older people may notice the spread of stiffness more quickly than younger or more active individuals.
However people who adopt very sedentary jobs or spend many hours driving can also suffer a greater symptom spread than people with more active jobs.
Stiffness, together with the disability it brings, can make you feel older than you are.
Often pain can be put down to wear and tear when it may actually be more closely related to the build-up of deep muscular or joint stiffness

Pain Patterns - can be helpful in diagnosis and case management

Many problems reoccur in episodes over some months or years. Over time, the frequency of these episodes may increase and spur the sufferer to take action. It may be that each episode becomes more severe and lasts for an increasing amount of time.

Looking at the daily pattern of symptoms may give an indication that you require treatment, stretching exercises and some individual advice concerning seating posture, pillows or your bed, etc.

  • Some people find that their problem is worst first in the morning with painful stiffness that is eased by activities during the day, but with pain returning towards the end of the day.
  • Others find that they have no problem first thing in the morning, but that their problem gets worse gradually all day.
  • Some individuals find their symptoms fluctuate during the day according to the types of activities they undertake.
  • Many people suffer a low level of background ache for much of the day, which may occasionally exhibit sharper levels of pain dependent on the activity they undertake.
Few people find that their symptoms remain at a high-level for much of the day, and are even woken at night by their pain.

Localising your pain

Pain may occur at a particular point in the body, such as when you knock yourself on a hard object and develop a sore bruise, which lasts for several days.

A sudden twist to a knee can produce localised pain, swelling and redness over a ligament.

These types of problem may clear up in time with some prompt care and attention. Other pains may have their origins elsewhere, even though it appears that the pain you can point to is very real.

Muscular and joint pain can travel to apparently unconnected parts of the body as a result of deep muscular tension or nerve inflammation or tension. Acting promptly and taking the advice of a professional can reduce suffering and speed your recovery.

Describing your pain

The person who can best describe their pain is you!

  • Stabbing pain?
  • Shooting pain?
  • Dull ache?
  • Constant nagging?
Your description also gives an indication as to how you feel about the pain.
Having a new severe pain or unaccustomed less severe pain can be quite worrying.
This is especially apparent when the reason for the pain is unknown to you.

Back Pain and its effects on daily life

With long-standing muscular or joint pain and stiffness, it is very possible that your life style may become affected.
  • Certain jobs around the house are put off.
  • You may have to reduce your sporting activities for fear of injury.
  • Your working day may become uncomfortable and less productive.
  • The people around you begin to notice that your tolerance to the demands of daily life has reduced considerably.
  • You may then begin to realise that it may be time to do something to try and improve your condition.
Undertaking treatment and following individually prescribed advice may not only reduce your symptoms but also have wider beneficial effects on your everyday home, work and recreational time.

Pain can effect your mood

Pain can play a large part in your mood.
Suffering pain can certainly change your inner strength and alter the normal drives that allow you to meet the challenges of modern life.
Muscular and joint pain and stiffness can prevent you from participating in activities that are enjoyable as well as reducing the motivation and capacity for work and sports.

Seeking Help for you pain with an osteopath?

Sometimes the idea of seeking professional help throws up a lot of questions.

  • Is it really bad enough?
  • Will consulting somebody mean I will be told that I will have to give up my sport?
  • Might it make me worse?
These are just some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for which there are answers!

The longer a condition remains untreated, the greater the difficulty you may find in describing accurately what the problem really is. This can be very frustrating.

Over a period of time, pain causes you to protect the parts of your body that hurt. This causes stiffness to develop gradually due to a change of muscle usage around the centre of pain.

As time goes by the stiffness may cause additional pain as well as spreading to other parts of your body causing new pains in areas that were apparently without problems.

putting a name to the pain? Helpful?

Not everything is what it seems!

Accurate diagnosis and understanding of what is causing your pain will have a difference as to the type of treatment that best suits your problem and therefore how rapidly your condition progresses.

The degree of pain is not an accurate indicator of the type of underlying problem a patient is suffering.

The dysfunction pattern of movement that is considerable and palpable gives the most accurate diagnostic picture to work from.

Even after the trauma of whiplash if there is no structural damage, the joint muscular reach can be calmed by gentle treatment and function restored.

Our osteopathic practice charter at BODY BACK UP

Osteopathy is a safe and effective form of Primary Health Care.
Our Osteopaths will tell you:
  • Why you are in pain
  • How long your recovery will take
  • How many treatments you should need
  • When it is safe to return to full physical activity
  • Prompt referral (when needed) to an appropriate professional
Maida Vale LONDON and Maidenhead Practice in Berkshire

Friday, October 05, 2012

Applying heat to tight muscles to prepare for skiing?

Applying heat? Can that help you prepare?

For top tips on applying heat to muscles! 
listen to osteopath Robin Lansman's Audio BOO on 
Applying heat!

Ski season preparation is vital!

Robin Lansman D.O.
Osteopath & Practice Principle
Osteopathy & Sports Injury Clinics

  • Getting ready for the SKI season? 
  • Maybe we can help you?
  • Exercises?
  • Loosen up?
  • Check your posture?
  • Cross training?
  • Re-balance muscles?
  • Dynamic training?
  • More........