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Friday, October 19, 2012

Osteopathy after joint replacement

Joint replacement : what about after your surgery?

Once surgery has occurred there will be a time of rehabilitation.  Depending on the progress of healing and checking outcome of the operation by follow-up X-rays full stability should be restored.  However, quite often the patients that we see in practice, there is a considerable limitation in mobility and sometimes pain persists even though the swelling of the joint is no longer the issue.

Because of the extended period that people have suffered before they decide to elect to have surgery, the sudden change of the “new joint” can cause the body to react and produce an extended period of increased stiffness and dysfunction.

We would expect to see patients on 3-4 occasions once healing has occurred (six weeks after surgery) and then on a weekly basis with exercises and self-help advice for between sessions.

Pre-surgery cases we would aim to see on 2 or 3 occasions in the initial stage and then once every 4-8 weeks to help alleviate symptoms and some dysfunction.

Your Treatment Options – Hands On Care

We aim to introduce Functional Active Release treatment to muscles that act over and around the joint.  We would address how well Ankle and Hip function are integrating. And in the case of the Hip joint replacement we would be addressing Low Back function as well as Knee function.  Reducing the tension on the replaced joint and improving function globally would be the overall goal.

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