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Friday, October 19, 2012

Pre Operative Care

Before or after Hip, Knee joint replacement surgery

The decision to have joint replacement surgery is always a difficult one.  It normally is balanced between how much pain and disability an individual can stand, how it affects their quality of life, such as their ability to work, play sports or even enjoy gardening.

Before your Surgery

Many people may find that conservative treatments can help alleviate some of their symptoms and disability and help them to a point they are able to make the best decision for them with their Surgeon as to when the joint replacement timing is best for them.

In the early stages of Osteo-Arthritis in pre-60 year olds may be that it is not advisable to offer joint replacement surgery and more useful to assist patients with conservative treatment such as Osteopathic care.

Increased disability and stiffness can accelerate in the deterioration of the joint itself.  Not being able to exercise has adverse effects on general health such as digestion and circulation.  Keeping mobile is key, and this is where Osteopathic advice and exercises might be most appropriate.

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